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exceptions are only raised in scalar requests, when we convert graphql response to python objects it make sense to convert graphql errors to python exceptions.

graphql errors are always the same, if it returned an error you have a problem with your query.


an exception class that is raised when scalar function gets error response from graphql

class QLErrorResponseException(Exception):
    def __init__(
        errors: list[QueryErrorDict]
    ) -> None:

Name Type Description
errors list[QueryErrorDict] list of graphql errors
import ql

  _ = ql.scalar_query_response({
    "errors": [
      {"message": "example for error", "locations": {"line": 0, "column": 0}},
      {"message": "I have another error in my query!", "locations": {"line": 0, "column": 0}},
    "data": None
except ql.QLErrorResponseException:
  print("damn... my graphql query failed...")

@property error_details

returns a list of QLErrorDetails.


class used to map each error detail to python object

class QLErrorDetails:
    def __init__(
        message: str,
        locations: list[QueryErrorLocationDict]
    ) -> None:

Name Type Description
message str the message field from the graphql error
locations list[QueryErrorLocationDict] list of locations where the error occurse