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about the library

this library is wrapped around pydantic for easy modeling, typechecking and because it is pydantic, it is well known package, no need to reinvent the wheel here.

this library is not

  • an http client library, this library does not implement http communication with graphql endpoints.
  • a graphql server

this library is

  • a light, fast and easy library to work with graphql apis.
  • built on top of pydanticV2 for type-safty and serialization

why use ql over other libraries

At the time of writing this library does NOT support mutation, only query.

this library was written because when I searched for graphql client libraries, I couldn't find easy/well written libraries for graphql, most of the libraries are small wrappers around requests, or they are trying to reinvent the wheel, and they just feel awkward...

  • simplicity - it is simple to query data, you can provide a query string, or generate a query string with python objects.

  • pydantic - working with a well known library doesn't requires you to learn a lot of new things, also typechecking

  • scalar - unlike other libraries, where there is no scalarize ability, or sometimes they require you to create a Schema, ql library takes use of the __typename field from graphql for scalarize functionality, which means, you don't need to create Schema classes, and it can scalar from any given graphql response as long it includes the __typename field for sub types