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welcome to ql! a simple, light, fast and easy way to implement graphql client in python with the help of pydantic.

the library is not intrusive, which means you won't find unexpected attributes and functions attached to you pydantic model, and doesn't change the model behaviour.

note about attached propeties

the library does attach methods and properties to your model, but they always in the format of __ql_<..>__, so it is not expected you will ever call them accidentally.

simple like it should be

import ql
from pydantic import BaseModel

@ql.model  # -- (1)
class Person(BaseModel):
  first_name: str
  last_name: str
  age: int

response = ql.raw_query_response_scalar("""  (2)
query {
  Person(first_name: "foo") {
    __typename  # required for scalar
# {"person": Person(first_name="foo", last_name="oof", age=99)}
  1. makes the pydantic model compatible to use with the library
  2. function that takes a raw query string, send it via http, and scalarize the response base on the __typename


take a quick look at the query examples sections